For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Thursday, April 29, 2010

From the Art Gallery.

It's raining and bleak today so I stayed home.  Plenty of time to explore the area in the sunshine.  I'm not having a lot of luck yet pinning down a trip through western Canada - too expensive, too much in too short a time, not interested in the Calgary stampede ....... blah, blah blah.  What a terrible problem to have, woe is me (I don't think!)  Because I chose to stay home and cosy today, I thought I might post some of Sue's art work - some of my favourites.  This is a  mask from South America.  In the close up, you can see the man has a mask of a cat (think it's a jaguar) on top of his head.  It's all made from feathers (some really tiny) strategically placed,  The whole thing is only about 25cm in length.  Absolutely amazing.  If you click on any of the photos on the blog, you can see more detail.

One more treat for today.  This is one of her light switches.  She has a few different ones and I just love them.  Can you see the little gecko?

Bye for now


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi Carmel, Kathleen here; haven't got a clue what I'm doing but will have a go anyway! Lovely to read your 'posts'?? - sorry I haven't had a chance to connect before this... Things have been pretty hectic since Easter with Renee & Jake preparing then leaving. Malcolm and I flew to Melbourne from the Thursday to the Monday the week they left; then Isabelle (our friends in Switzerland daughter) arrived the day after we got back. Pretty full on week while she was here plus I had what seemed like jet lag from our crazy Tiger 6am flight out of Melbourne. Finally feel like I am getting back to 'near normal' now and this is the 2nd long w'end since Melbourne.
Sounds like you are having an absolutely wonderful break from work, etc. It is so good for the soul to do just that - it was a life changing experience for me last year and I only went for 7 weeks!! I know you will be really missing Mandy and Jock - they have been your close companions for all those years, so that is totally normal! I also know that they will be missing you too and that Renee & Jake will not replace you by a long shot! They will do their best I'm sure but they won't be 'mum'. I imagine they have settled a lot by now so try not to worry about them too much if you can.
Have no idea how long this comment is supposed to be so better away now just in case I'm over the limit or it doesn't work!!
Have one of those 'rosey rums' or whatever it was for me!! Sounded good!
Bye for now,
Loads of love and best wishes,