For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Monday, April 26, 2010

The plants are so different from home.

Hi Everyone. Greetings from Beaverton. I think I have been very lucky with the weather. There have been days when it was cool and overcast but there has been relatively little rain during the days (Camelot?!#*) I went for a walk the other day and as I walked under a tree in blossom the wind blew and it snowed blossoms. Just beautiful. Although all the trees are starting to grow new leaves, many of them have moss and fungus on them as well. I find it really fascinating and I appreciate having the time to stop and take it all in. The azaleas are in bloom but most of them are tiny little ones about the size of our 10 cent piece (the coins over here still have me bamboozled!)

I went into downtown Portland on the light rail/train on the weekend. It's either a very polite country or I look feeble because it was impossible to stand up. I got lots of offers of seats and, because no one understands me when I say I would like to stand up, I gave up and sat down!

Last night I was invited to a regular gathering of some of Sue's friends and it was great. They get together regularly (once a month, I think) at a different person's place each time. They do a pot luck dinner and then sit together to formally do something of interest. It takes many different forms but last night it was a discussion of different ways of handling risk taking. It was fascinating to see such varied approaches to the subject from each of the women and I felt honoured to be part of it. The dinner was held at Amanda's house and she is a master gardener and a very creative person. Her back yard has a little creek running through it and her garden is an absolute delight.

After all the warnings about the probability of cold in Yellowstone, I went shopping and bought some extra warm socks and a fleece (and extra warm track top to wear under your coat). I really hate feeling like the Michelin man but I don't have any choice here, I think. I even bought some toe warmers! They're like little teabags you put above and below your toes inside your socks and I'm told they work like a charm. I hope so.

Enough babble for now. I have to go and study the bus system. It's complicated and doesn't come very often.



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