For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Sunday, April 18, 2010

Spring is in the air.

Everyone here is very excited about the arrival of Spring and, after seeing Sue's photos of being snowed in at Christmas, I can certainly understand why. This is just one of the houses near here but they all have tulips and daffodils growing in their front gardens. None of the houses have front fences but they have side and back fences. Many of them don't block off the sides of their houses unless they have a dog.
I have christened the hot tub and have to say it was pretty dam good and have done Tai Chi every day on Sue's back deck in the company of squirrels and the occasional bird. Not anywhere near as many birds around as at home. Ventured into the notorious Goodwill today and bought a Calvin Klein coat for $20. It will be initiated at Yellowstone as I keep getting messages of how cold it's going to be there. I had to buy a new mobile as my other one was locked and that cost me $30 and it wasn't the cheapest. Saw a coyote in the street. It looks very much like a dingo, maybe a little bit smaller and I'm told there are racoons a plenty in the neighbourhood but we haven't crossed paths yet. Apparently they attack cats so they're not very popular in this house. I met a couple of Sue's friends - one at breakfast (Ellen) and one at dinner (Janine). They're very friendly and welcoming. Places to eat are everywhere and it's not at all expensive. We went to a place that specialises in different kinds of pancakes for breakfast and a pasta place for dinner and the food was delicious.

I still have to master public transport so I'm grounded to a certain extent but that's this week's challenge. Even knowing where to catch the bus is a challenge because I still catch myself hyperventilating around corners.

Hope everyone is fine back in Aus. Don't be afraid to post a comment or email.


1 comment:

The girl who rides Cisco said...

Hi Aunty Carmel,

I's Rhett, I am using Lauren's email address as I do not have a gmail email account.

Great to see all is well. Are you checking your optusnet account as I can email you at that address. I cannot comment on your blog as I do not have a gmail account.

The Big Holiday looks good as I sit on a crowded train on my way to work. The house where you are staying looks so big. I hope you are having a really good time. I loved the photo of the dogs, you must be missing them.

You may have heard the pretty big news in Melbourne. Carl Williams, the famous Melbourne gangland criminal was bashed to death in jail earlier this week.

Also three weeks till we move to the new place and cannot wait. Genevieve, the new horse had a visit from the vet yesterday, she cut herself on the really crappy fences where we keep her. The vet told the owners however, they won't do anything to fix the fences. So happy we are leaving.

Speak to you later.