For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Monday, May 3, 2010

Another goal achieved.

I finally made it.  It may not seem important to others but, as a member of the Taoist Tai Chi community, it was one thing I wanted to do - I went and did Tai Chi with a group from another part of the world.  It is somehow reassuring when everything else is strange to do a set of Tai Chi in the same way you have always done it with a group of people on the other side of the world.  And as is the Taoist custom, I was welcomed warmly into the group.  It was a good feeling and well worth the effort of getting there.    I'll definitely be going back regularly.  It takes six trips on public transport - four on buses and two on light rail to get there and is just about a day's endeavour but it's s good workout and makes me feel good.  As much as I can, I like to get involved in the group and contribute what I can.

I arrived at Tai Chi a little bit early and went across the road to Genies Cafe.  It's diner by any other name but it was full of young people and very alternative.  I'll be going back there too.  Full of young people with tattoos and piercings and crimson foils in their hair.  Everyone seems very laid back and friendly.  It's in an older part of Portland and an interesting area to look around.

Of course, I got lost in Downtown Portland when I got off the bus.  I'm absolutely determined to find my way around but it seems as if, currently, my compass is upside down and I walk miles in the wrong direction.  Last Friday I ended up in the University campus, totally in the wrong direction but I did discover this beautiful example of old style architecture in the middle of the campus.  Absolutely stunning.

The news here at present is the oil spill, the attempted bombing in Times Square and the new Immigration Law in Arizona.  There are many protests across the country about the proposed Arizona law. Seems like people are looking for solutions to illegal immigration in places other than Australia,  At the risk of being political, I find it all rather worrying.  There's got to be a better, more humane way to deal wit it all.

Yesterday, I was taken to a giant arts and crafts show by Sue and a couple of her friends.  I feel a bit like Princess Poo being taken everywhere.  However, I also felt like Alice in Wonderland.  First, we went to breakfast at this wonderful little place and I had a Mediterranean Omelet (yum) and it was accompanied by an American scone (pronounced as it's spelled - with a long o).  It's a bit like a sweet damper.  Then it was on to the greatest show on earth!  Hand made jewellery, hand made clothes, beading of all descriptions, hand made wooden furniture and last but most important for me - pottery to make your eyes water.  There were many of the techniques that I've seen in Australia but, wow, this was on a grand scale.  It's definitely on my list of things to buy before I leave so I took a pile of cards but I didn't buy anything yet,  I'm hoping to buy some native American pottery but not sure how that will go.  I've got more investigating to do on that front.

The weather continues to be quite good.  I didn't need a coat yesterday just a warm jumper.  This time next week I'll be in Yellowstone so will be offline for that time.  Cheqie enjoys having me home.  She's a sweet little thing.  She's hoping I got her best side.  What do you think?

Tomorrow is Sue's birthday (4th May) and I'm taking her out to dinner not diner.  Should be good.

Hope I haven't raved on too long.  Lotsaluv.


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