For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Friday, April 23, 2010

More little things to enjoy.

HI Everyone,

Life continues to be very good for me here in Oregon. Oregonians are very proud of their state and their quality of life. I continue to be amazed by all the tulips. They almost grow like weeds - they're everywhere - and so many different varieties and colours. Pansies are all the go as well and they make the gardens so colourful. When the sun comes out, it's warm and gentle and I wore my sunglasses for the first time yesterday. As a special treat for me, Sue lit a fire and we sat in front of it with wine and just enjoyed the flames - absolutely mesmerising.

We attended a lecture on cyber crime. (Part of a series Mentor sponsors - Mentor is the company Sue works for.) Pretty scary but very informative. It was followed by a lovely dinner with more interesting people to meet. Before the lecture Sue took me to a swanky cocktail bar and I had a Stony Rose whisky cocktail. Very nice indeed! I want another one sometime. And just to show what a hick I am, I was shocked when I stood up and the toilet flushed all by itself. I went back later and tried to play and make it do it again, but no luck so its still a mystery to me.

Only two weeks until Yellowstone and I am soooo excited about it. I know it's going to be fantastic. Sue took me to Goodwill and I have a nice warm coat. (I think I told you about that little purchase!) I need to buy a day pack and some warm socks and I'll be set. I've bought an IPod so I can download ABC podcasts and keep in touch with home. I miss my dogs very much. There's no one to make me get out of bed in the morning and I don't have any little love bites on my arms from Mandy fleaing me! It's funny the things that become important.

Send me any of your news. I check out the ABC website but that's only stuff of national importance - what about you?



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