For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Well I made it. Can't say I enjoyed the trip too much but it's over and I'm about to do some Tai Chi and loosen up. I slept like a log last night which was good so hopefully that's a good start to dealing with any jet lag. It's cool here but not totally freezing and the house is nice and warm. I have two CATS for company today - one likes me and one looks at me like I'm an alien. Mind you its not the first one to do that since arriving on American soil. I'm having a problem understanding some people. I think they think I'm rude but I just don't know what they're saying. Anyway, today's task is to unpack and settle in and maybe go for a walk.

Cheers for now


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