For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Sunday, November 4, 2012

Autumn colours.

One of the sights I was wanting to experience was the changing colours of the trees in autumn.  One of the best examples was literally right outside my front door.  Some trees change from green to yellow and others change from green to orange to fluorescent red.  Such beautiful colours.

From this to this in less than two weeks.

Then there was a lovely surprise.  Two years ago, I did most of my Tai Chi on the back deck and I had a little companion who thought I didn't see him steal bird seed over the fence.  As I was doing Tai Chi one day, I glanced out the window and who/what did I spy but my little mate up to his old tricks.  This time, he/she was very chubby and looking well and truly ready for winter.  Still as cute as ever.

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