For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Thursday, November 1, 2012

A love affair to remember (cont.)

Here you can see some muddy paw prints as the bear stood up against the wall of a local gathering place in Churchill to smell the kitchen exhaust fumes.  Every precaution is taken to preserve people and bears and, in 1969, the Polar Bear Alert Program was instituted as a way of doing this.

Polar bears who/which are not deterred by loud gun shots and who continue to frequent the town face some time in jail.  After their incarceration, they are tranquillised and taken to another location in the hope they will not return.  Special traps are placed in strategic places around the town and then the bears are put in a special holding facility out of town until their release.

Accommodation for 30 transgressors.

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