For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Istanbul shopping.

Hi Everyone.

Actually, it doesn't matter where you go in Turkey the methods of selling are the same but I cut my teeth in Istanbul.  So this is what I imagine the coarse content of Bazaar Vendors 101 would cover.

Step 1:  Identify the prey. 
Step 2:  Observe for a short time to determine the best initial approach. 
Step 3:  Engage prey in conversation with a quick question re nationality or interest in goods. 
Step 4 (MOST IMPORTANT):  Keep talking and don't allow the prey to say anything but keep insisting you just want to offer apple tea. 
Step 5:  Gently guide prey into shop and seat prey in the coolest part of the store being careful to maintain your most charming smile and all the while being alert not to appear anxious about selling.
Step 6:  Engage prey in conversation about country of origin or impressions of Turkey or discussion of holiday itinerary expressing intense interest in replies. 
Step 7:  When you are confident prey is relaxed and enjoying the conversation, get another apple tea for the prey. 
Step 8:  Ask prey if they have ever considered buying a (e.g. Turkish carpet) while they are in Turkey ensuring that it sounds like an original idea that has just occured to you.  If they say yes, go for it. 

If they say they do not want (e.g.Turkish rug), try one, some or all of the following strategies:
  • But I want you to have something special to remember your trip to Turkey by and what could be more special than a (e.g.Turkish rug).
  • Of course, no obligation to buy, but let me show you just a couple and you can learn about (e.g. Turkish rugs).
  • What do you do In Australia?  Oh, I could tell you had a good heart (and maybe give prey a gentle hug).  Well because you have such a good heart I can give you this (e.g. Turkish rug) for (take out calculator and press a few buttons with intent) only 2200 Turkish lira.
  • If prey is really turned off by the price, enquire about preferred colours and bring out another (e.g. Turkish rug) of lesser quality.  Tap on calculator with even greater intent and adopt an expression of pathos before delivering the price.
  • Follow a similar sequence with other rugs and prices all the time ensuring that the prey is convinced you are doing this out of concern for their welfare.
  • Other approaches to try:  request marriage to prey, if prey says she is married requst to be her Turkish husband, ask prey if you can call her Mum and put your head on her shoulder, tell prey you have a cousin in their town and how much your cousin loves it, express exasperation at not being able to please despite all your efforts, pout, look disappointed.
  • However, always keep talking and try to avoid prey getting a word into the conversation and, if prey says no, pretend you didn't hear it.
Don't misunderstand me, once I realised shopping in Turkey was not the same as shopping in David Jones, I really enjoyed the whole process and I hope the vendors enjoyed it too.


What a rug!
Grand Bazaar

Spice Bazaar

Spice to your life bazaar!

Book Bazaar


Anonymous said...

did Carmel Prey have SUCKER prey on her forehead

Carmel Markey said...

Yes, I probably did - along with SOFTY, GULLIBLE, INEXPERIENCED TRAVELLER,FRIENDLY,PUSHOVER, CHUMP etc. And I enjoyed it all.
