For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Portland - thanks for the memories. 1.

Hi Everyone

The excitement is building for Turkey but I can't leave without recognising some of the fabulous experiences I've had in and around Portland.  One of my first  and lasting impressions of Portland is how polite and friendly everyone is.  People look at you and smile and say "Excuse me," for the most minor things.  I have found it almost impossible to stand in the light rail if there is a spare seat.  I've given up trying to stand, I just take the seat and thank them.  People are bright and cheery and friendly, and, because they sometimes can't understand me, are interested to know where I come from and very enthusiastic about Australia.  In Canada almost every second person is an Aussie but, just over the border in the US, I feel like a very exotic creature and a person of great interest.  I'll have to get used to being boring old me again when I get home.

Sue's friends have been extremely welcoming and have involved me in many special occasions.  They have welcomed me into their homes and plied me with gifts and taken me places I might otherwise not have visited.

Janine is a master gardener in her own right and also a guide at the Japanese Gardens here in Portland.  She took me on a tour of the gardens one day when she was there and then drove me around some of the very well heeled suburbs (like Ascot and Hamilton in Brisbane) on the way home.  I just love looking at the different styles of houses over here and these were rather nice.

Janine also took me on a train ride to the other side of town where Sue works.  It took no time at all on the light rail and I saw the bike parking at the station.  They really do encourage people to use public transport and make it easy for them to do so.

Jean lives in one of the leafy well established suburbs and we drove to her neighbourhood and she showed us around the Rhododendron Garden.  The flowers here are more delicate that ours, generally, and the rhodies really put on a great show.  The whole thing is organised and maintained by volunteers.  After walking around there, we went back to her house and enjoyed a refreshing glass of wine with her husband, Gordon, on their back deck. 

Jean and Gordon also took us for a day in the wine growing area of Oregon.  They are true wine buffs and know the area and the various wineries very well.  They are also experienced wine tasters and fortunately they were driving because I was a bit wobbly after the first winery.  We tasted some beautiful wines and thoroughly enjoyed the picnic they had packed for lunch.   It is such a scenic drive and they took us on some back roads which is always much nicer.  What is about wine growing areas?  They are always so charming.  Sue and I had decided it would be a nice way to finish a perfect day by taking them to dinner on the way back to Portland and, between the three of them, there seemed to be lots of good ideas floating around.  By the way, Jean is also a gourmet cook, so Shari's wasn't the best of them!  We tried a couple of places and there weren't any vacancies or we were past them before we realised or ....  Jean had heard of a new restaurant at Alison's Resort so we phoned them and yes they could fit us in but we would have to sit at the bar.  Sounded fine to me, I was hungry.  We all agreed on it and off we went in our very relaxed wine tasting gear.  Actually, Jean and Sue were respectable.  Gordon and I were relaxed.  And it was one classy restaurant, the silver service kind.  It was fantastic!  Such a find!  And sitting at the bar meant sitting at a bar around the kitchen watching the chefs at work and having the occasional chat with them.  So much fun.  Needless to say the food was divine and the service was friendly and spot on.  The foodies in the group took advantage of the opportunity to try spectacular food.  I was satisfied with my melt in the mouth halibut.  What a fabulous way to end a perfect day and such a surprise as well.

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