For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Big Night Out.

I never expected to attend a film premiere much less to know the person playing the lead role and now I have done both.  And what a happy wonderful night it was.  Sue's son, Gavin, is working hard to get into the film industry.  He had a small role in the blockbuster "Twilight" and has done many other roles in various genre in Hollywood, however, this was his first leading role.  It is in an independent film, "The Gray Area" and I really enjoyed watching Gavin and the film.  If it comes your way, I strongly recommend it.  It's different and it's powerful and Gavin does a great job.  Sue was a very proud mum on the night and still is very proud of Gavin's achievements.  I was just thrilled to be there and be part of it all as well as having my photo taken with a gorgeous hunk of a leading man.  Lucky me and go Gavin!  It was great to catch up with you and see your craft.

1 comment:

Vivian said...

Hi Carmel,

Looks like you are having a wonderful time. I have been trying to keep up with your adventurous transcripts however I have been slack of late.
Holidays are here so I look forward to reading the rest of the 'Markey's Travels'.
Take care and keep enjoying yourself.
