For my friends.

The reason for this blog is twofold. Firstly, to share my wonderful experiences with you at your leisure and to keep me feeling in touch with you during my long absence from home. If any of you find a way to type an Aussie accent, I would be really appreciative! Don't forget to check out "older posts" at the bottom.

Welcome to my blog. I hope you enjoy it from time to time.


Sunday, June 26, 2011

A true Gemini.

I've had so much enjoyment from these poetic offerings and I hope you do too.

From Heather and friends at Warrigal Rd SEP

Nineteen fifty-one - what a very good year
That was when Carmel first did appear
Twenty-fourth of May - she was one of a twin
Terrible to imagine ther could have been two of them!

Born to a bookie - what are the odds?
Catholic and Irish - lucky sods!
Looks like a lady - can talk like a trucker
Can turn the air blue - you mother - ....of all AVTs.

Carmel's been teaching for so many years
She must have looked into millions of ears!
Deaf from all over the state would agree
You just don't mess with - Carmel Markey.

Lets think back to those who impressed her the most
J*##~*!  )^@+e -  now I don't mean to boast
But we did well to keep them both with their lives
Just had to keep Carmel away from sharp knives!

Another pleasant one to recall
$``3e~  &r-*n - the shortest tale of them all.
'Short Man Syndrome became the catch cry
Whenever he did something to put the blood in her eye.

How they both survived all those school trips away
Remains a mystery to this very day
But Carmel's professional attitude lasted
Never once to the children did she call him a .... rude name.

Carmel's an MPhil - or so Sara said
She studied and researched and wrote and reread
She spent time with George Booker on Maths - what fun!
And then at school made me test every one!!

Well we remember her style and her flair
The leather pants, jeans with no sides - that amazing red hair!
All the stuff lovingly knitted by Mother
Was that just for you - none for your brother?

Carmel won't have chocolate but loves a red wine
Chicken wings for morning teas - just divine!
Beautiful cross stich work she can do
And pottery freak - she loves it - it's true.

Carmel has friends the wide world around
And she is a good one they have all found
Loyal, supportive, a cheerful quick wit
And happy to help them when they're knee deep in .... trouble

So it's time to say "Happy Birthday" from us all
We wish you many more - hope you have a ball
Sixty will have advantages - if you look very hard
Forget the birthday ones - bring on that pension card!

From Julie and Friends at Taigum ECDU.

Carmel, this is a special day
So we hope you can stay
And have some afternoon tea
As we celebrate this milestone of 60!

You've taught deaf children
 for many a year
From Mt Isa to Zillmere Nth
So we give you a cheer.
For fourteen long years
You taught at Warrigal Rd
Finally a move closer to home
Saw you lessen your load.

With the change of scene
came a totally new role
Now instead of a class, the children
You visit steal your soul.
Ever since you came a few years ago,
You've always had a smile on your face,
Although at times, it has been a challenge
You seem to like the change of pace.

We don't see you often
And there's lots of visits to do
But we enjoy your chats
As you pass through.
A cup of coffee
Is often in your hand
Either Gloria Jean's
Or the coffee van.

In your spare time
You enjoy many things
But Tai Chi is a favourite
For the energy it brings,
It helps you relax
And calms you down,
So much joy it gives,
That you now teach around town.

Last year saw you leave
On a big holiday,
To America, Canada
And places far away.
It was in Turkey that you saw
Precious things, and you bought a rug
You loved it so much
That now you have the travel bug!!

A marriage proposal was
Offered to you
From what we have heard
There may have been a few.
We wish you many more years
Of Tai Chi, travel and fun.
You might even do
A marathon run!!

You're a wonderful person
And a very special friend.
Whenever it is needed
A willing hand you lend.
The past 60 years
Have seen you achieve
Much to be proud of
But there's more up your sleeve.

60 is old some people might say
But in your case no,
You don't look your age and
And you haven't started to slow.
Whatever you do
We wish you all the best
Do as much as you can
But take some time to rest.

You're thinking about reducing your
days at school
That seems fair to me
When you've given so much
Now let your heart rule.
I don't want this ditty
To go for too long
To keep you from celebrating would
be wrong.

On behalf of all here
I'd like to say
We're glad to know you
And for good health we pray.
As on this ladder of life,
You now climb another rung,
Congratulations Carmel on being 60
years Young!!

1 comment:

Sue F said...

I enjoyed reading these poems very much and while I did reflected on how glad I am I have met Carmel and look forward to an on going friendship.
Sue Feeney